Monday, January 9, 2012

4 Top Mobile Marketing Trends to Try: Making Your Content Mobile-Friendly to Increase Your Presence and Profits Online (Mobile Matters)

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"4 Top Mobile Marketing Trends to Try: Making Your Content Mobile-Friendly to Increase Your Presence and Profits Online (Mobile Matters)" Overview

**WARNING**: Try these top mobile marketing trends ONLY if you are prepared to transform your online business and boost your profits TODAY.

If you are still sitting on the fence when it comes to making your business more mobile-friendly, this guide is designed to help you begin optimizing your business website for mobile devices quickly and easily.

The mobile revolution is ALREADY here. What are you waiting for? Either get started, or get left behind when it comes to Mobile commerce (M-commerce).

In this guide you will learn:
+how the increasing adoption and use of Smartphones is transforming business as we know it;
+the new forms of mobile marketing you are missing out on;
+the 9 essential mobile marketing tactics that can help boost your online presence--and your profits.
+how to start mapping out your successful mobile content publishing strategy, +the best ways to learn what your audience needs and wants, and and how to deliver it.

You will also discover:
+13 mobile landing page creation rules:
+the best tools for making QR codes;
+the most powerful ways to use them for increased traffic and sales;
+the best ways to measure the effectiveness of all your new mobile marketing campaigns;
+how to help fine-tune your results and boost your conversion rates, for even more profits.

As with all of the Mobile Matters guides, you will also get a detailed checklist to make sure that you do not miss out on any of the steps in this action plan.

If you are eager to increase your presence and profits online in your niche, download this guide to the top 4 mobile marketing trends to try and take action TODAY. 

1-Existing business owners who want to learn more about how to make the most of their site by making it mobile-friendly.
2-Marketers who want to learn more about mobile marketing trends.
3-New business owners just starting out who want to make their site mobile friendly from the outset to attract more customers and profits.


Jeff Hamilton, from an academic family, has climbed the corporate ladder to become a director of technology at a Fortune 100 firm. He is the author of several popular titles on finance and technology and contributes regularly to a variety of websites, including the Technology-Leadership blog.

Andrew Simon has worked in some of the top financial houses and technology-focused companies in the world for over a decade. He is one of the leading consultants at and is currently working to expand the capabilities of Android-based Smartphones.

Joan Mullally has worked in print publishing for almost 20 years and digital publishing for fifteen. She has worked in online marketing full-time for over a decade and has served as one of the top marketing consultants for Accent Marketing Group Inc. Her emphasis is on using technology and her extensive marketing experience to help start-up businesses launch, expand and grow successfully. Her ability to analyze websites and then metrics also enables her to turn around companies that are not making the most of their online presence, and help them improve their conversion rates.

"4 Top Mobile Marketing Trends to Try: Making Your Content Mobile-Friendly to Increase Your Presence and Profits Online (Mobile Matters)" Specifications

**WARNING**: Try these top mobile marketing trends ONLY if you are prepared to transform your online business and boost your profits TODAY.

If you are still sitting on the fence when it comes to making your business more mobile-friendly, this guide is designed to help you begin optimizing your business website for mobile devices quickly and easily.

The mobile revolution is ALREADY here. What are you waiting for? Either get started, or get left behind when it comes to Mobile commerce (M-commerce).

In this guide you will learn:
+how the increasing adoption and use of Smartphones is transforming business as we know it;
+the new forms of mobile marketing you are missing out on;
+the 9 essential mobile marketing tactics that can help boost your online presence--and your profits.
+how to start mapping out your successful mobile content publishing strategy, +the best ways to learn what your audience needs and wants, and and how to deliver it.

You will also discover:
+13 mobile landing page creation rules:
+the best tools for making QR codes;
+the most powerful ways to use them for increased traffic and sales;
+the best ways to measure the effectiveness of all your new mobile marketing campaigns;
+how to help fine-tune your results and boost your conversion rates, for even more profits.

As with all of the Mobile Matters guides, you will also get a detailed checklist to make sure that you do not miss out on any of the steps in this action plan.

If you are eager to increase your presence and profits online in your niche, download this guide to the top 4 mobile marketing trends to try and take action TODAY. 

1-Existing business owners who want to learn more about how to make the most of their site by making it mobile-friendly.
2-Marketers who want to learn more about mobile marketing trends.
3-New business owners just starting out who want to make their site mobile friendly from the outset to attract more customers and profits.


Jeff Hamilton, from an academic family, has climbed the corporate ladder to become a director of technology at a Fortune 100 firm. He is the author of several popular titles on finance and technology and contributes regularly to a variety of websites, including the Technology-Leadership blog.

Andrew Simon has worked in some of the top financial houses and technology-focused companies in the world for over a decade. He is one of the leading consultants at and is currently working to expand the capabilities of Android-based Smartphones.

Joan Mullally has worked in print publishing for almost 20 years and digital publishing for fifteen. She has worked in online marketing full-time for over a decade and has served as one of the top marketing consultants for Accent Marketing Group Inc. Her emphasis is on using technology and her extensive marketing experience to help start-up businesses launch, expand and grow successfully. Her ability to analyze websites and then metrics also enables her to turn around companies that are not making the most of their online presence, and help them improve their conversion rates.

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