Sunday, August 14, 2011

Keyboarding and Word Processing Essentials, Lessons 1-55: Microsoft Word 2010 (College Keyboarding) for $76.07

Cheap Keyboarding and Word Processing Essentials, Lessons 1-55: Microsoft Word 2010 (College Keyboarding) Discount Review Shop

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Cheap "Keyboarding and Word Processing Essentials, Lessons 1-55: Microsoft Word 2010 (College Keyboarding)" Discount Review Shop

"Keyboarding and Word Processing Essentials, Lessons 1-55: Microsoft Word 2010 (College Keyboarding)" Overview

The Eighteenth Edition of KEYBOARDING AND WORD PROCESSING ESSENTIALS, LESSONS 1-55 uses proven techniques to help readers master the keyboarding and formatting skills they need for career success--from initial new-key learning to expertise in formatting business documents with Microsoft Word 2010. South-Western College Keyboarding offers a proven, time-tested approach that helps readers develop a strong foundation in basic keyboarding, steadily improve their skills, and rapidly become proficient in document formatting and business communication. Each lesson is clearly focused, well structured, and designed to provide step-by-step training and reinforcement to help readers quickly acquire and apply new skills. This one-book solution includes 55 lessons, documents, and software instructions within a space-saving easel-back format.

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